Safety in Cars

Safety has been an issue for many years. According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration “1% of drivers involved in the collisions applied the brakes at full force before the collision. About 33% of the drivers in the crashes NHTSA analyzed didn’t apply the brakes at all” (White, 2013). Looking at these numbers, you can understand that human’s make many mistakes, 20%-30% of accidents are due to drivers being distracted (CAA, 2014).  There are many things that can distract people:

  • Cellphones                                   Driving when drowsy
  • Children                                        Day dreaming
  • Additional Passengers               Watching Roadside Diversions
  • Eating and Drinking                    Applying makeup/ grooming

Currently in 2014 car tech has evolved to help us with assistance such as lane assist, rear view cameras and blind spot assist, but they are not at the level of cutting down collision percentages yet. However in 2025 with the help of internet connectivity vehicle to vehicle communication can help eliminate these errors. “Cars can travel in closer proximity at higher speeds, and automatically reroute to avoid hazardous weather conditions or congested highways” (Phneah, 2013).

Safety is a big concern, even for the future. We understand that humans can be distracted easily but in the year 2025 we can eliminate this and potentially save many lives. Below you will find a list of common distractions for drivers with real life statistics in North America.

Featured image(CAA,2014)