Magnetic Propulsion in Cars in 2025

Many people are unfamiliar with this term, and honestly before researching I was too. According to Ecofriend, “electromagnetic induction is the next exciting idea in 2025 of obtaining a clean, green and powerful propulsion for our vehicles” (Ecofriend, 2011). This will allow vehicles to be active in transportation in terms of underground, railways, and even on water, while being beneficial to the environment because the magnetic fields in which will be underneath the wheels will allow for less gas and pollution.

Magnetic propulsion, otherwise known as magnetic levitation (maglev) is based on the prediction that the wheels of vehicles will be replaced with magnets, for the ultimate transportation.

This picture gives a visual understanding of just how the magnetic propulsion will become successful in cars in 2025.electromagnetic_propulsion_technology_lf3xq

So what do we think about magnetic propulsion in vehicles? Other than being beneficial to the environment and being creative, you may ask yourself how else this could be meaningful to society? Keep in mind that all innovation happens for a reason, and not just because scientists and inventors are “bored”. The fact that we could see vehicles on water, cutting down gas costs, and being beneficial to the environment will have a positive feedback from all consumers.