Internet in Cars

The internet is a great tool and it is nearly everywhere as of now. According to Google and Internet live stats, the total internet users has increased to 40% of the total world population in 2014. The numbers have only been increasing, especially since the past decade. According to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), “60% of the cars on the road will be connected to the internet” (Phneah, 2013).

Internet connectivity within the car will help with a lot of things. Of course it will play a part with the center console. With this you will have access to social media and music. Similar to today’s technology, but not as limited. “The widespread adoption of connected cars will allow consumers to treat their vehicles as just another one of their devices. Hosting mobile operating systems and purchasing data packages from wireless providers will be commonplace in the future”( Phneah, 2013). The new innovative portion of this will be that it would play a big part in safety. With vehicle to vehicle communications using the internet, there will be less accidents due to the elimination of human error. “Through vehicle-to-vehicle communication, cars will be able to travel in closer proximity at faster speeds, as well as automatically reroute to avoid hazardous weather conditions or congested roadways” (Relaxnews, 2013)

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In the following bar graph, you can see the significant increase of internet users in the world throughout the past decade. Currently we have 40% of the world population and the number will only increase in the coming years. According to the graph, each year the number increases by approximately 2%. In 2025 the number will be very high.

Internet in cars will play a big role in the design factor of the cars in 2025. Such as the interior dashboard and center console user interface. “Additionally, it plays a big role for self-driving cars as it uses vehicle to vehicle communication to gather various information which includes speed, distance from surrounding cars/objects etc.” (Relaxnews, 2013). The internet will be a part of the future and it will change the way use the cars in the year 2025.