How The Future of Cars in 2025 Will Be Projected

The way all motor vehicles are presented in today’s society are dependant on the driver’s skills to take control of the vehicle. However, in the future 10 years, acccording to Albanesius, “semi-autonomous vehicles will likely be on the road before 2025, while fully self-driving cars should be shuttling people around by 2035. The firm predicted that the number of self-driving cars will jump from about 230,000 in 2025 to 11.8 million in 2035 – 7 million with driver controls and 4.8 million fully autonomous vehicles” (Albanesius, 2014).

Of course with the innovation of self driving cars projected in 2025, the sticker price will increase dramatically. “By 2025, self-driving tech will likely add between $7,000 and $10,000 to a car’s sticker price” (Albanesius, 2014).

In regards to parking assistance, many vehicles already have this built in their features. However, according to Alic, “In its parking assistance, Audi is working to be able not only to alert a driver to available parking spots in congested urban areas, but also to add a Big Brother element that would let a driver know when someone else’s parking meter has expired so they can have the car ticketed, all in 2025” (Alic, 2013).

These self driving cars will allow drivers to avoid any human errors that can result in accidents, making the roads more safe and keeping insurance rates down. What is left to be decided is whether or not insurance rates will still be higher because of the fact that there will be a smaller chance of a driver getting into an accident.

Here is a a video I found explaining more into detail about Self Driving Cars.