Fuel-Cell Cars in 2025

Fuel-cell cars will be commercially available by 2025. Fuel-cell technology combines hydrogen with oxygen in the air to generate electricity. “The only emissions are water vapor and heat” (Taylor, 2014). Fuel-cell technology is becoming more inexpensive, and will be commercially practical for mass use in cars by 2025 (Taylor, 2014). Daimler, Hyundai, Nissan, Ford, Toyota, Honda and General Motors are all developing fuel-cell vehicles. “Toyota and Honda plan to start selling fuel-cell vehicles next year 2015” (Taylor, 2014). Fuel-cell cars have been failing to gain widespread acceptance because of prohibitive development costs, even though they can run five times longer than electric cars and take far less time to refuel (Taylor, 2014). Though, they are not to be forgotten. They’re a viable alternative to zero-emissions vehicle technologies (Taylor, 2014). “By 2025 fuel cell production will be more industrialized and the costs will decrease, thanks to greater economies of scale” (Taylor, 2014). Fuel-cell cars are expected to be priced at $70,000. Although that is a premium price for a vehicle, the other factor to consider is the amount you will save on not having to buying fuel for your vehicle. These vehicles are also tremendously great for the environment.

The video below is a short summary of my findings.