Dashboard Designs of 2025 in Automobiles

We can all agree that technology is shaping the way the world is being ran today. But when it comes to features in vehicles, it is a little different. In terms of the dashboards of vehicles in society today, we are experiencing mild changes such as more LED lighting and overall a more attractive layout than in the early 2000s. But by the time 2025 comes around, according to Barry, “your dashboard may soon become as versatile as your laptop” (Barry, 2010).

In 2025, it will be almost impossible to find a new car that is NOT connected to the internet. Researchers are predicting that all modern vehicles will have WiFi built into the dashboard where the drivers and passengers can access. Now the more important question becomes a reality; is that really a good change? With the amount of people who text and drive today, adding WiFi to mainly all vehicles will likely cause the accident and insurance rates to skyrocket. Barry also states that “social media just might become built in dashboard designs” (Barry, 2010). Now this topic will create never ending controversial discussions. Going back to the modules in class, we notice that social media is becoming more and more addicting worldwide. Drivers in 2025 will have the luxury of checking their news feeds with the touch of finger as soon as a red light comes; and probably while the vehicle is in motion.

Another study has shown that according to Golson, “Apple’s CarPlay will drive the future of car dashboards” (Golson, 2014). Rumour has it that Apple is trying to manufacture iOS into vehicle dashboards for the ultimate experience. Of course I don’t predict this feature to be pre built into your ordinary common vehicles, but rather the uncommon, more expensive ones. But then again, we all know from past experience that it is impossible to predict the future. However, if you were to combine built in WiFi with built in iOS, I’m sure you know the result that would occur. Drivers and passengers would have the access to in other words having an iPhone with unlimited data inside a vehicle.

This also raises another discussion in terms of gas companies and prices. I personally predict that if this was to occur in 2025 than gas prices would go up quite a bit as there would be more and more vehicles on the road and more gas usage as a result of the free WiFi and iOS. This could become unfair for the middle to lower class because gas prices right now are already too high.

Overall I would say that although this sparks a lot of interest to avid vehicle users and owners, the result would be a lot of controversy as everything would increase in terms of the price tag of vehicles, insurance rates, and gas prices. It is something interesting to look forward to in the near future but for now, for society’s sake, I hope technology for once doesn’t play a big role in dashboard designs.

The following video explains the concept of the 2025 Mercedes commercial truck interior. While it is not solely based on the dashboard design only, it shows how it will look in some cases which I think are pretty cool!


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